There is five files for configuration. All files at config folder.
This variable sets the open command for inventory, inventory open key can be changed from Fivem Keybinds.
This function is for getting the player's level. If you are not using any level system you can edit the return value as false. If you are using a levelsystem you can set your system export or callback as return value.
PlayerLevel = function()
return exports["yourxpsystem"]:XPGetter() or false
You can add new inventory types from here.
Set listOnLeaderBoard to sort players for that statistic on leaderboard. Set it false for otherwise.
Set listOnProfile to show that stat on profile section. Set it false for otherwise.
Config.RemoveInventoriesWhenDead = {
bool = function(source)
return true -- you can put your inSafe export to make it dynamic
deathEvent = "esx:onPlayerDeath",
reviveEvent = "esx:onPlayerSpawn", --seconds
types = {
bool: You can directly set return value true if you don't want to check if player is in safezone or etc. Otherwise you can set the return value according to your demand.
deathEvent: You have to set here the event triggered when the player dies.
reviveEvent: You have to set here the event triggered when the player revives.
types: You can type thee inventory types that you want to be cleared when dead.
This is the keys for closing the inventory.
This option is for making the inventory type style side by side.
If you are using money system set this true, if you are using point system set this false.
You have to add items to this file to get inventory working properly.